What to Expect
We will work on 10 sessions, once every two weeks. We will meet either in person or over skype/facetime. During the first session, which is usually about an hour long, we will get all the paperwork out of the way, we will have a visioning exercise where you would vision yourself in total wellness 6 months to a year from now. The next 9 sessions are about 25 to 30 minutes long. The sessions are paced at 2-week intervals. We would explore your vision and your values.
I’m currently taking on clients who want to reverse metabolic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, pre-diabetes, and others through diet alone.

Mithra Amaran
President & Chief Health Coach
I take care of mental & physical health
I teach how to empower yourself to make lifestyle changes in easy steps to reverse diseases and lead a healthier happier life.

One-on-one coaching

Helps you reaching your wellness goals

Helps you identify obstacles

Flexible schedule
Mithra is an amazing health coach. With her coaching, I now feel better mentally, physically, and spiritually. The change -- for me -- has been dramatic. My mind would race 24/7 -- now I've learned how to focus and have a better outlook on life. She helped me find ways to calm my stomach and temperament, and I've noticed an improvement in my relationships with the people around me. I am forever grateful to Mithra... as she's blessed me beyond words.
Travis H.
Thank you for your amazing life transforming coaching, In such a short amount of coaching time, I am feeling empowered by the understanding I have gained and am much more capable of developing healthy relationships with both myself and others and I also have deeper awareness and acceptance of myself, others and my environment. Thank you!
T. K.
Some aspects of the Integrated Health coaching are outside my comfort zone, but I needed to do something different. Mithra has focused me on a few priorities, continually challenging what I can do to achieve them, and articulating my goals and action items. Best of all, I am seeing results on both goals, and feel accountable to continue.
Linda Zappula
Mithra's coaching sessions have been very valuable in helping me and my business partner to start our new business - Happy Brains Academy, Inc. We reached out to her after a previous failed attempt to get the business off the ground. She professionally guided us through a process that provided us the catalyst to successful launch. She helped us to vision our business model, focus on our goals and action items. She has been a gentle driving force who motivates us and we have been seamlessly getting action items done before our bi-weekly meetings.
Dr. Latha Venkatesh, MD